
The State Key Laboratory of Deep Geomechanics and Underground Engineering

Xiaojie Yang
发布时间:2024-09-19   作者:   来源:   点击数:


1. Introduction

Xiaojie YangProfessorSchool of Mechanics and Civil Engineering

Address: Building A2, 204, Baoyuan Building, Tsinghua East Road, 204, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), Beijing, 100083, China.

E-mail address: yxjcumt@163.com.

2. Education Background and Experience

(1) Bachelor of Coalfield Geology, Shandong University of Science and Technology, 1986.09-1990.06

(2) Master of Coalfield Geology, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), 1990.09-1993.06

(3) Ph.D. in Mineral Processing Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), 1993.09-1996.06

(4) USA Visiting Scholar, University of the Pacific, 2015.09-2016.09

3. Research Area

He is mainly engaged in teaching and research work in soft rock clay mineralogy, soft rock engineering mechanics, deep engineering geology, landslide disaster mechanism and its monitoring and prediction, and self-formed mining technology without coal pillar.

4. Academic Achievement

(1) Project

[1] The national 973 plan project sub-topics (2006CB202210-2). Deep mine mining engineering geological disaster law and prediction.

[2] Ministry of Education 's New Century Excellent Talents Support Plan Project (NCET 08-0833). The multi-phase and multi-field coupling mechanism and disaster control countermeasures of deep coal mining rock mass.

[3] The key project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (5113400501). The regional distribution of deep geothermal field and the mechanism of heat disaster.

[4] The National Natural Science Foundation of China (42377195). Soft rock large deformation tunnel high prestressed compensation surrounding rock stability control mechanism research.

[5] National Natural Science Foundation of China (52074295). Experimental study on the stability of roof collapse and fragmentation in goaf during N00 mining method.

[6] National Natural Science Foundation of China (41672347). Physical model experimental study on stability control of deep roadway surrounding rock.

[7] National Natural Science Foundation of China (41040027). Study on monitoring principle, method and early warning criteria of geological rock mass collapse.

[8] Beijing Natural Science Foundation Project (3042013). Study on the physical and chemical behavior of dynamic calcination of coal-series kaolin in western Beijing.

[9] Beijing Natural Science Foundation Project (8142032). Physical simulation experiment research on monitoring and early warning of underground engineering collapse.

[10] Special Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education, Ministry of Education (20130023110021), Molecular dynamics study on scaling mechanism of deep well cooling pipeline.

(2) Book

[1] Yang Xiaojie, Hou Dinggui, Tao Zhigang, Wang Jiamin, Physical simulation method for stability monitoring of deep roadway surrounding rock, Beijing: Science Press, 2018.

[2] Yang Xiaojie, Guo Zhibiao et al., Mining Engineering Geology, China University of Mining and Technology Press, 2015.

[3] He Manchao, Yang Xiaojie, Sun Xiaoming. Study on the Characteristics of Soft Rock Clay Minerals in Chinese Coal Mines, Coal Industry Press, 2006.

(3) Literature

[1] Yang Gang, Yang Xiaojie*, Zhang Jun, et al. Effect of Roof Cutting Technology on Broken Roof Rock Bulking and Abutment Stress Distribution: A Physical Model Test[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (2024): 1-19.

[2] Yang Gang, Yang Xiaojie*, He Manchao, et al. Experimental and numerical investigations of goaf roof failure and bulking characteristics based on gob-side entry retaining by roof cutting[J]. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2024: 108000.

[3] Yang Xiaojie, Hao Zhenli, Liu Keyuan, et al. An Improved Unascertained Measure-Set Pair Analysis Model Based on Fuzzy AHP and Entropy for Landslide Susceptibility Zonation Mapping. Sustainability. 2023, 15(7):6205.

[4] Yang Gang, Yang Xiaojie*, Huang Ruifeng, et al. Failure mechanism and bulking characteristic of goaf roof in no-pillar mining by roof cutting technology[J]. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2023, 150: 107320.

[5] Yang Xiaojie, Ming Wei, Gong Wenjun, et al. Support characteristics of flexible negative Poisson's ratio anchor cable response to blasting impacts[J]. Underground space, 2023, 8:162-180.

[6] Yang Xiaojie, Ming Wei, Tao Zhigang. Support on deformation failure of layered soft rock tunnel under asymmetric stress[J]. Rock mechanics and rock engineering, 2022, 55(12):7587-7609.

[7] Yang Xiaojie, Huang Ruifeng, Sun Shuhua, et al. Study on Gas Enrichment Mechanism of Coal Seam Influenced by Vertical Stress on Mountainous Region Condition[J]. Shock and Vibration, 2020, 12.

[8] Yang Xiaojie, Huang Ruifeng, Yang Gang, et al. Validation study of no-pillar mining method without advance tunneling: A case study of a mine in China[J]. Energy Science & Engineering, 2021, 9(10): 1761-1772.

[9] Yang Xiaojie, Yang Gang, Huang Ruifeng, et al. Comprehensive Study on Surrounding Rock Failure Characteristics of Longwall Roadway and Control Techniques [J]. Applied Sciences-Basel, 2021,11.

[10] Yang Xiaojie, Hao Zhenli, Li Gan. Research on Slope Stability Evaluation Based on Improved Set Pair Analysis Method: A Case of Tonglvshan Open-Pit Mine[J]. Shock and vibration, 2022, 2021.

[11] Yang Xiaojie, Liu Chenkang, Sun Honglei, et al. Research on the Deformation Mechanism and Directional Blasting Roof Cutting Control Measures of a Deep Buried High-Stress Roadway[J]. Shock and Vibration, 2020.

[12] Xiaojie Yang, Chaowen Hu, Jianhui Liang, et al. A case study on the control of large deformations in a roadway located in the Du’erping coal mine in China[J]. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2019(4).

[13] Yang Xiaojie, Wang Jiamin, Zhu Chun, et al. Effect of wetting and drying cycles on microstructure of rock based on SEM[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2019, 78(6): 183.

[14] Yang Xiaojie, Wang Eryu, Ma Xingen, et al. A case study on optimization and control techniques for entry stability in non-Pillar longwall mining[J]. Energies, 2019, 12(3): 391.

[15] Yang Xiaojie, Hu Chaowen, He Manchao. Study on Presplitting Blasting the Roof Strata of Adjacent Roadway to Control Roadway Deformation[J]. Shock and Vibration, 2019.

[16] Xiaojie Yang, Jiamin Wang, Dinggui Hou, Chun Zhu, Manchao He. Effect of Dry-Wet Cycling on the Mechanical Properties of Rocks: A Laboratory-Scale Experimental Study[J]. Processes, 2018, 6(10):199.

[17] Xiaojie Yang, Eryu Wang, Yajun Wang, Yubing Gao, Pu Wang. A Study of the Large Deformation Mechanism and Control Techniques for Deep Soft Rock Roadways[J]. Sustainability, 2018, 10(4): 1100.

(4) Patents

[1] Yang Xiaojie, Liu Chenkang, Hou Dinggui, et al. A drainage device and a prefabricated drainage device, invention patent, CN201710220781.9.

[2] Guo Pengfei, Yang Xiaojie. An extensible anchor rod, invention patent, CN201610146802.2.

[3] He Manchao, Yang Xiaojie, Sun Xiaoming. Experimental method of simulating impact rockburst, invention patent, CN201210102230.X.

[4] He Manchao, Yang Xiaojie, Sun Xiaoming, et al. The method and system of earthquake disaster early warning and prediction, invention patent, CN201010231920.6.

[5] He Manchao, Yang Xiaojie, Sun Xiaoming, et al. Physical simulation experiment method and device for monitoring shear force of seismogenic fault plane, invention patent, CN200910088811.0.

5. Awards and Honors

[1] Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, 2001

[2] First Prize of Scientific Research Technology Invention Award of the Ministry of Education, 2012

[3] First Prize of Science and Technology Progress in Chinese Universities, Ministry of Education, 2001

[4] First prize of Scientific and Technological Progress of Chinese Society of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2014

[5] Second Prize of Shandong Province Science and Technology Progress Award, 2018

[6] Second Prize of Beijing Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award, 2018

上一条:Xiaoming Sun

下一条:Manchao He