
About us

The School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering of China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) has a history of more than 100 years.

The discipline of civil engineering originated from the civil engineering department of Jiaozuo School of Railroad and Mines in 1909. In 1953, Beijing Institute of Mining and Technology established the mine construction major, becoming the first major in China to train professional and technical personnel in mine civil engineering. In 1978, the Graduate School of China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) was established, and the mine construction engineering resumed graduate enrollment. In 1998, the school resumed undergraduate enrollment, and the mine construction engineering was renamed civil engineering. The civil engineering major resumed the first undergraduate enrollment in 1999.

The discipline of mechanics originated from the mathematical and physical research guidance group of Jiaozuo Engineering College in 1950. The basic course group of China University of Mining and Technology was established in 1951. The major of mining engineering mechanics was established in 1952. In 1978, the major of mining engineering mechanics resumed the enrollment of graduate students. In 1998, mining engineering mechanics was renamed engineering mechanics, and the first undergraduate enrollment was resumed in 2000. In 2001, engineering mechanics and geotechnical engineering were approved as “national key disciplines”. The major of architecture was established in 2001 and began to enroll undergraduate students, which was then affiliated to the Department of Basic Sciences.

In June 2002, the majors of engineering mechanics and architecture were separated from the Department of Basic Sciences, and the Mining and Construction Research Laboratory as well as the Geotechnical Institute (civil engineering discipline) were separated from the Department of Resource Development Engineering. The superior disciplines were combined to form the School of Mechanics and Architectural Engineering. In 2002 and 2005, the first-level disciplines of mechanics and civil engineering were approved for the overall doctoral degree awarding rights and postdoctoral research stations respectively. In 2007, geotechnical engineering and engineering mechanics passed the “National Key Discipline” review again. The undergraduate major of Urban Underground Space Engineering was established in 2016.

At present, School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering consists of 5 departments (Department of Engineering Mechanics, Department of Geotechnical and Mining Engineering, Department of Architecture, Department of Construction Engineering, Department of Urban Underground Space Engineering) and 2 centers (Engineering Experiment Center, Development Research Center). The school has scientific research institutions such as the Institute of Rock Mechanics and Fractals, the Geotechnical Mechanics Research Center, the Blasting Engineering Research Center, the Modern Blasting Technology Application Research Institute, the Disaster Prevention Engineering Research Institute, the Architectural Design and Human Settlement Environment Research Center, and the International Innovation Center for Mining Rock Mechanics, which support the two national key laboratories of coal fine exploration and intelligent development and tunnel engineering disaster prevention and control and intelligent construction and maintenance. The school has 2 national key disciplines (Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Mechanics); 2 first-level Beijing key disciplines (Civil Engineering and Mechanics); 2 Ministry of Education “Yangtze River Scholars” Distinguished Professors’ Disciplines (Engineering Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering), 1 Beijing Municipal Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center (Engineering Mechanics), 3 doctoral programs, 6 master’s programs, 5 undergraduate majors (3 national first-class majors including Civil Engineering, Urban and Underground Space Engineering and Engineering Mechanics), 1 Beijing first-class major (Architecture), and the Intelligent Construction major was established in 2022. It enrolls an average of about 700 undergraduate and graduate students each year.

The college has a strong faculty, with more than 110 teachers, including 1 academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1 academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and 2 dual-appointed academicians; 35 professors, 49 associate professors; 2 chief scientists of the National 973 Project, 2 chief scientists of the National Key R&D Program, 4 winners of the National Natural Science Foundation Outstanding Young Scientist Fund, 3 Yangtze River Scholars, 3 Young Yangtze River Scholars, 8 experts enjoying special government allowances, 13 people in the Ministry of Education Trans-Century/New Century Excellent Talent Support Program, 2 innovation teams of the Ministry of Education, 7 Beijing Teaching Masters and Young Teaching Masters, 1 Beijing Outstanding Young Scientist, etc. There are 2 National Top 100 Excellent Doctoral Dissertations, 1 Beijing Excellent Doctoral Dissertation, 1 Beijing Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Nomination Award, and 2 Excellent Doctoral Dissertations of the Chinese Society of Rock Mechanics and Engineering. The research results of the school have won 2 second prizes of the National Natural Science Award, 2 second prizes of the National Technological Invention Award, 9 second prizes of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, and more than 160 provincial and ministerial science and technology awards.

The school attaches great importance to the cultivation of students’ basic knowledge, scientific research ability and innovative consciousness. The strong faculty and advanced teaching and experimental equipment provide a solid guarantee for the growth of talents. With the joint efforts of all teachers and students, and the long-term care and help of leaders and colleagues, this school is showing great vitality!